We Are Adevians!

The curtains are closing in on the year. We are just about to take a bow and exit the stage that has been the past year. A stage that has seen us beam with pride over many highs as it has seen us stack disappointed over the lows. Through it all, we couldn’t be any happier to have been part of this fulfilling journey.

As an organization, we take great pride in the work we do to help our nurses realize a life-changing dream. This journey has been all the more fulfilling because of the support we provide them every step of the way, right from the NCLEX preparation to post-deployment. Our commitment to journeying with our nurses throughout this process has seen us post laudable achievements this year. For instance, Our NCLEX pass rate has seen a remarkable 78%. The number of nurses in the immigration pipeline awaiting deployment this year is 94% greater than last year. Last but certainly not least, the number of nurses we have deployed
this year has hit an all-time high.

However, beyond remarkable figures, this past year, we set ourselves apart as a creative team not limited to set rules and traditions. This saw us sign up nurses who otherwise wouldn’t have fit the mold in international nursing recruitment. In seeking to challenge the status quo, we have exposed ourselves to new perspectives and ways of doing things and solving problems, this year, as attested to by our VP of Clinical Services Tanya McClendon.

This, for us, brought to the fore the necessity for humaneness in the industry. An aspect that greatly poured even into our placement process, by taking into consideration some of the most dire circumstances with our nurses. We also established ourselves as an organization with utmost care and consideration for the family unit. Through the Clara Barton scholarship, we provide support and guidance to spouses of our primary nurses who are registered nurses as well, to work as USRNs. The scholarship offers support through NCLEX exam preparation and immigration, including job placement as a USRN with their spouses.

Our meritable achievements haven’t just been external but internal as well. Perhaps the biggest highlight of the year has been the remarkable growth seen in the organization’s team spirit. The company’s exponential growth owes greatly to the team’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to the organization’s goals. The management, in acknowledging this fact, committed greatly to the team’s well-being and overall growth. Their efforts in cultivating a non-toxic work environment, encouraging a perfect work-life balance, and creating an enabling environment for growth have all significantly elevated the team spirit this past year.

Every month of this past year has seen every one of the team members honored through birthday celebrations. Achievements or milestones by various departments and individuals have been lauded. Special holidays haven’t gone unnoticed as those wearing different hats outside the workplace have also been honored. This great team spirit can be witnessed daily when the team works together harmoniously to ensure the organization’s goals are met. It is seen when brainstorming ideas over group meetings or tête-à-têtes. It is also seen in the camaraderie enjoyed between and amongst the team members, over laughter and banter in between work.

It is this great ‘Adevian spirit’ that we celebrate this season. A shared spirit that brings us together as a team every day and encourages us to continue putting our best foot forward not just for us, but for our clients as well.

Happy Holidays from the Adevia Team!

Published On: December 29th, 2023Categories: Holiday, Team
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